12TH APRIL 2019
Dear All,
We had a nice meeting on Friday last.Thanks and congratulations to you all.It was a real success in term of organisation, participation and performances.
The next competition will take place on this coming Friday at the same place and time.
Please find the scheduled programme .
Programme MAA IOIG Trials 12 04 19
You SHOULD follow the following daedline towards the competition of Friday 12 April:
Club, coaches and Regions will have to submit their entries to MAA Office. The Entry Form is attached
MAA Office will confirm entries received to all those concerned and submit a draft Starting list to Clubs, Coaches and Regions.
Clubs, Regions and Coaches are to come back with their observations
MAA Office will send to all those concerned the FINAL Start List.
Kindly note that only the best U20 and U18 athletes who are not on the IOIG pre-selected list will be confirmed and allowed to participate.
Fiche Entrée garcons – MAA IOIG TRIALS 12/04/19
Fiche Entrée Filles MAA IOIG TRIALS 12/04/19