
February 12, 2016

3rd Leg of the VITAL Cross Country League

12 February 2016 ALL CLUBS & REGIONS   Dear All,     We wish to inform you that following a site visit made yesterday on the […]
February 11, 2016

Rencontre de Preparation 13.02.16

Dear All, Please find the  Programme of the “Rencontre de Preparation” which will be held on Saturday 13 February 2016 at Maryse Justin Stadium, Reduit. PROGRAMME  : […]
February 9, 2016

Results 2Leg – St Felix

Dear All   Please find the results of the 2 leg for the Vital Cross Country.   Results Boys – 2nd leg St Felix Results Girls […]
February 3, 2016

2eme Manche Ligue de Cross – St Felix

Dear All   Please find the course plan and programme for the 2nd Leg Vital Cross St Felix to be held on sunday 7 Febuary 2016. […]
January 30, 2016

Resultats – 1st Leg Vital Cross

Dear All   Please find the results for the 1st Leg Vital Cross  held today at Sodnac wellness park , Candos. Results Girls 1st Leg Results […]
January 25, 2016

“Rencontre de preparation” 30/01/16

Dear All,   Please find  the programme of “Rencontre de preparation” which will take place on Saturday 30th January 2016 from 09h30 to 11h45 at Maryse […]
January 25, 2016


Dear ALL,     We are pleased to inform you that Mrs. Corinne Remillah, MAA Managing Committee Member will, as from this day, act as License […]
January 11, 2016


  ALL PRESIDENTS CLUBS/REGIONS           & ALL COACHES   Please find the Rules & Regulations, Course Plan and Entry Forms for the 1st Leg of VITAL […]
December 22, 2015

MAA CALENDAR 2015 – 2016

Dear All   Please find the MAA calendar for 2015 – 2016.   MAA Calendar-2015-2016 (11-12-15)