
May 12, 2022

PEPSI BLACK U20 & TRIALS 21 – 28 MAI 2022

Deal All We have the pleasure to inform you that the 2022 U 20 Pepsi Black National Championships will be organized on 21 and 28 May at Côte d’Or National Sports Complex. […]
May 8, 2022

Vital Regional Grand Prix – Results

Dear All, Please find the Results of the Vital Regional Grand Prix 2022 held at Côte d’Or National Sports Complex . 
May 8, 2022

Pre-Hospitalisation Training

A pre-hospitalisation training was held on the 07th of May 2022 at Cote D’OR National Sports Complex. See Video
May 7, 2022

Vital Regional Grand Prix – Results Day 1

Dear All, Please find the RESULTS of the VITAL NATIONAL GRAND PRIX TRIALS held on Thursday 5th (Maryse Justin Stadium) and today 7th May 2022  at Côte d’Or National Sports Complex  .
May 6, 2022

Vital Regional Grand Prix – Start list

Dear All, Please find the START LIST of VITAL Regional Grand Prix which will take place on Saturday 07 and Sunday 08 May 2022 at Côte d’Or National Sports Complex.
May 4, 2022

Signature d’accords- Sponsors

Une cérémonie de signature d’accords entre le comité d’organisation et cinq sponsors s’est tenue le mercredi 27 avril. D’autres signatures d’accords avec d’autres commanditaires auront lieu […]
May 4, 2022

Signature ceremony – Sponsors

A signature ceremony between the organising committee and five sponsors was held on Wednesday 27th April. More agreements with other sponsors will be held in the […]
May 4, 2022

L’Interview de Giandev Moteea, le président de COCAAS 22

Giandev Moteea, « Cela représente une grande fierté que le complexe national sportif de Côte D’or s’est vu obtenir la « Class 1 Athletics Facility Certificate […]
May 4, 2022

Interview of Giandev Moteea, President of COCAAS 22

Giandev Moteea, “It is with the greatest pride that the Côte d’Or National Sports has been awarded the “Class 1 Athletics Facility Certificate” by the World […]