All Presidents
Regions &
Athletics Clubs
Dear All,
Please find INVITATION,START LIST and the final programme in respect of the 2015 Bank of Mauritius Inter Clubs Youth Championships which will take place on 28th & 29th November at Maryse Justin Stadium.
We wish to inform you that:
- The competition of BOM scheduled to take place on Thursday 26th November 2015 has been cancelled.
- Transport arrangements will be the same as last Saturday.
- You are requested to invite the non selected athletes of your clubs & regions to come to support their friends. A pack lunch and t-shirt will be provided to them.
- Parents are also invited to come to the stadium on both days to support their kids and athletes.
- You are requested to select 2 boys and 2 girls your respective club to participate in the “défilé” during the opening ceremony on Saturday 28th
Relying on your usual collaboration.
Entry List 28 & 29 Nov 2015 BENJ
Entry List 28 & 29 Nov 2015 COLT
Entry List 28 & 29 Nov 2015 MIN