13 April 2022 ALL COACHES Dear All, I wish to thank you for having confirm your athletes for the above-mentioned championships. Please find the entry list and the scheduled […]
All Clubs and Regions Coaches Dear All, Please find enclosed documents in respect of the above mentioned subject for your kind consideration. Kindly do the needful […]
Dear Coaches, We have the pleasure to inform you that we are organising a TRIAL on Saturday 9th April 2022 at Côte d’Or National Sports Complex for our high-level athletes and […]
NATIONAL AND ASSISTANT NATIONAL, CJSOI & RTC COACHES Dear All, We regret to inform you that our Combined Events Trials scheduled to take place tomorrow at Maryse Justin […]
Dear All, As we have to preselect our Combined Events representatives for the 2022 CJSOI, we are inviting the 12 best quadrathlon athletes boys and girls […]